My special guest:
Jason Koeller, Co-Founder & CTO, Chemix Inc.
Episode Recorded Via Zoom Video Conferencing Platform.
Chemix Inc. is a Sunnyvale-based startup is behind the world’s first AI-designed EV battery.
Chemix is using generative AI to build EV batteries that are more sustainable (goodbye cobalt and nickel) and higher-performing than legacy EV batteries.
This year Chemix unveiled its AI-powered battery design platform, MIX, which accelerates the battery development process by 5-10x, along with its first generation of AI-designed EV batteries.
On the EV Revolution podcast, Jason and I discuss how how batteries are the bottleneck in the EV battery industry, how they are using AI to fix this issue while creating customized batteries for everything from e-bikes to SUVs.
Hope you enjoy this interesting conversation! More information on the Chemix can be found on their website at: www.chemix.ai
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