My special guest:
Kate Harrison, Co-Founder & Head of Marketing, MoveEV
Episode Recorded Via Zoom Video Conferencing Platform.
MoveEV accelerates corporations to meet net-zero goals through fleet conversion and employee action. Technology, education & benefits make sustainable choices easy and profitable for all.
Inspiring others to engage in the transition to net zero through education, shared experiences, and measurable financial wins.
My thanks to Kate for joining me, as we had a great conversation about MoveEV, who they are and what they do, along with debunking 4 main consumer fears when it comes to EV adoption: Range Anxiety, Environmental Concerns, Sticker Shock and Operating EVs are not Intuitive!
Hope you enjoy this lively and very educational conversation! More information on MoveEV can be found on their website at: www.moveev.com.
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As always, I welcome any feedback and comments:
Email: EVRevolutionShow@gmail.com Twitter: @EVRevShow
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My thanks to my sponsor:
File Sanctuary! To see their awesome services, check them out at https://www.filesanctuary.net