My special guest:
Michal Majernik, Manager of Communications, TRAC
Episode Recorded Via Zoom Video Conferencing Platform.
Nearly three quarters of Canadian motorists (73 per cent) believe extreme winter weather events related to Canada’s changing climate have made winter tires more important than ever, according to a new Leger survey commissioned by the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (https://tracanada.ca; TRAC). The survey finds that winter tire usage in Canada now stands at 78 per cent – a 10 point increase from 2016 (68 per cent). Outside Quebec, where winter tires are mandatory by law, winter tire usage reached 73 per cent.
While winter tire usage continues to grow, the survey also reveals that current financial pressures are causing some drivers to doubt an investment in winter tires. Just under one in three (30 per cent) say they are now less likely to buy winter tires because of high living costs. However, the study also finds that 83 per cent of drivers believe winter tires are an important investment despite the rising cost of living.
Listen as Michal and I discuss this survey, the 3 choices for shoppers this winter, cost savings, safety and more!
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